Sign up for the ‘Secret Trust Adventure’ today!
Update March 21, 2021. It was a whirlwind of a weekend! Scores of people joined the crusade to find the treasure at the end of the Secret Trust Adventure. The Longnecker family using a single segment of the GPS coordinates and their superior local history skills to decipher the poem located the cache this evening. Congratulations!
The box has been returned to its hiding place and filled with commemorative 3D printed medallions for those wanting to continue to hunt.
“Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.“
In the proud tradition of Forrest Fenn, Byron Preiss, and James Halliday, the next great treasure hunt arrives here in Lancaster County on Saturday, March 20, 2021.

Actual photo of the treasure. That’s just north of $1,000 in dollar coins!
This game of skill is unlike any previous Uncharted Lancaster adventure because this one ends with a cache of real treasure! The victor in this first-to-find winner takes all adventure walks—er…hauls—away an 18-pound loot crate filled with over a thousand dollars in $1 coins!
In addition to a cash-filled box, the winner goes home with a painting by Lancaster County artist, Scott Cantrell, valued at $2,000. That means the entire treasure hoard is worth over $3,000!

Can you find the clues hidden in Cantrell’s painting?
How to Play
This exclusive adventure is available only to members of the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County.
Not a member? No problem. Click here and join at any level.
Members receive a decoder paper with how to organize the GPS coordinates, a location poem to help further zero in on the location, and a claim code riddle.

Sorry, but this is not the actual decoder paper.
Join the Trust today for a shot to claim your fortune and glory! The treasure hunt begins Saturday, March 20, 2021.

Yep, that’s a loot crate with OVER a thousand dollars in $1 coins!
About the Artist
Scott Cantrell is a working artist and teacher at Lampeter-Strasburg High School.

Snapshot of Cantrell’s studio.
He works mostly with traditional art materials such as pencil, paper, paint, canvas, photo, and ink, referentially commenting on the illusions created with these materials. Utilizing these common artistic tools, Cantrell attempts to provide a home for the concept of memory within a seemingly practical context.
Yet, Cantrell is always being reminded that memory is fleeting and that it is completely individual. Driven by the fundamental fear of forgetting, ultimately a fear of death, his work is part of a grieving process, personal and historical, seeking some kind of resolution.
Click here to visit Cantrell’s website. You can also see his stunning work on Instagram and Facebook.