Get Involved /
2025 Volunteer Opportunities
Preservation Action Committee – meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM – HPT headquarters 123 N Prince St., Lancaster, PA 17603
- Historic resource surveys – ongoing
- Helping to take photos of historic resources
- Compile information about the historic resource using existing surveys and HPT archives
- Monitoring – development/demolition plans and ‘at risk’ properties
- Developing design guidelines
- Preservation Summit planning
Bowmansville Roller Mill Open House – date to be determined
- Supervise attendees going through the mill
- Help to park vehicles to allow for easy departure
Architectural Walking tour - date to be determined
- Sponsorship follow-up
- Property research and content writing
- Help the day of event
- Helping to promote and plan HPT events and fundraising
- Including America 250 commemoration planning
Archive Digitization
- Taking an inventory of the materials of the HPTLC
- Input the information recorded into a Collection Management Software, PastPerfect.
- Move items out of the basement to make room for new acquisitions, and other tasks in order to prepare the HPTLC materials for digitization.
Ideally, volunteers for the digitization must be able to lift at least 40 pound boxes and have the ability to bring a laptop or computer to input data.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities or if you have questions please contact Danielle Keperling at or 717-330-9772.
Add your contact information and we'll be in touch soon!