Sponsor the C. Emlen Urban Awards Dinner

Dear Friend of Preservation,

Since 1966, the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County has been working tirelessly to preserve and protect the architectural history of Lancaster County and to provide the tools and knowledge needed to help the local community understand its importance. An important part of this work is to recognize the individuals, organizations and properties that best illustrate a vision and commitment to this work.

We are asking for your help in supporting this important work!

The Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County’s Annual Meeting provides this important recognition with our C. Emlen Urban Awards, named after the renowned Pennsylvania architect who left an indelible mark on Lancaster's cityscape. With your gift, you can be a sponsor and receive recognition of your support in the event's dinner program:

Level Amount Benefit
Colonial$5,000Name on cover, full page ad in booklet, 8 tickets to dinner + a chance to address the attendees
Federal$2,500Full page ad in booklet + 4 tickets to dinner + recognition during presentation
Georgian$1,000½ page ad in booklet + 2 tickets to dinner
Victorian$750¼ page ad in booklet
Italianate$500Business card ad in booklet
Bungalow$250Name listed in event booklet

Saving Lancaster County's historic properties is not just saving buildings - it's saving pieces of Lancaster’s history and charm that make it a great place to live and visit. For instance, the Trust was instrumental in helping to preserve the historic façade of the Watt & Shand Department Store that became a striking part of the Marriott at Penn Square, helping to retain the unique character of downtown Lancaster.

With support from individuals and businesses such as you, the Trust can continue its important work for many more years to come!

Thank you!

The Board of Directors
Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County

Sponsorship Form


Great Meal, Fantastic Cause!

Not ready to sponsor but still want to support the Trust by attending the event? Purchase tickets to the C. Emlen Urban Awards and Annual Dinner.