Lancaster County Barn Tour

(launch date October 21, 2023)

The Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County has partnered with the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley to create a LANCASTER COUNTY BARN TOUR. The tour is an ongoing, self-guided, exterior-only, driving tour of the beautiful historic barns of Lancaster County. With assistance from local historical societies throughout the county, local government entities, and private citizens, many barns with historical/architectural/cultural significance have been identified for inclusion on the tour.

The LANCASTER COUNTY BARN TOUR will highlight some of the finest examples of historically and architecturally significant barns throughout Lancaster County and will include a beautiful, full color, keepsake tour book that you can purchase and use as a guide to view the exterior of the barns on your own. The 8 ½" x 11” tour book will include both historic and current photos of approximately 50 barns along with a detailed description of their significance to our history. In addition, the book will provide a Lancaster County map pinpointing the barn locations and will facilitate the SELF-GUIDED tour throughout our beautiful county. The BARN TOUR is being promoted as a “timeless” event. Using the tour book, you will be able to take the tour (at your leisure) over many weeks, months, or years. Barn interiors will not be open to the public. Most of these barns are “working” buildings located on private property. We will explicitly state in the Tour Book that you do not have access to private property. All barns chosen for the tour are easily viewed from a public roadway. A few notable exceptions are those listed as public museums, restaurants, or an Environmental Center.

The tour books are available to purchase online and in person at various locations across the County. Those locations include:

  • The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley Library (open M, W, TH, 9:30a-6:00p, and Sat. 8:30a-5:00p)
  • The Ephrata Cloister
  • Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum Store
  • Lancaster History
  • Historic Preservation Trust (by appointment only – call 717-291-5861 or email
  • Mainspring of Ephrata
  • Salisbury Township Historical Society
  • Caernarvon Twp. Historical Society

If you pick up the book in person, it will cost $35. If you have it mailed to you, the book will cost $45 with shipping charges.

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